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Event Countdown
November 14-16, 2024
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Make a Case to Attend

CAST is one of the nation’s premier science education conferences and a must-attend event for any science educator seeking to stay on top of the latest trends and cutting-edge resources. As such, STAT has put together a few resources to help you make a case with your administrator(s) to attend.

Resources for Making Your Case

  • Use this customizable letter to explain how you will benefit from attending CAST and will share your knowledge with colleagues following the conference. Whether you're a first-time attendee or a returning attendee, this letter has all the talking points you may need.
  • Use this fact sheet to share CAST registration and hotel pricing with your colleagues or decision makers. Plus: Requesting a purchase order (PO) from your district and not sure which registration type applies to you? Review this how-to to determine your STAT Member status and which fee applies to you. 
  • Check out the CAST24 programming to highlight the types of workshops you will attend.

Facts About CAST

  • CAST is a 3-day professional learning event featuring hundreds of sessions, a massive exhibit hall, and connections with other passionate educators.
  • With a maximum registration fee of $390 for 3 days of content and up to 14 hours of CE credit, CAST is one of the most affordably priced education conferences in Texas.
  • CAST registration options include membership in the Science Teachers Association of Texas (STAT) and year-round access to STAT member resources and a community of thousands of educators and science advocates from all grade levels and disciplines.
  • CAST attendees can try the latest classroom products and resources in the famous CAST Exhibit Hall, attended by 200-plus leading science education vendors.
  • A common theme in attendee feedback from previous CASTs is that teachers return to the classroom revitalized and excited with new ideas, strategies, and resources.

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