The magic of CAST is found in the variety and quality of its outstanding workshops and featured sessions.
Here's what you can expect at CAST24:
- Encounter the latest ideas in science education at your choice of hundreds of innovative workshops and extended sessions.
- Dive into sessions designed to help you navigate the adoption of the Revised Science TEKS and three-dimensional science teaching by leveraging the recurring themes and concepts and science and engineering practices into your daily instruction.
- Connect with your fellow science educators at networking and social events.
- Explore the famous CAST Exhibit Hall, where you can experiment with the latest science education resources.
- Celebrate excellence in science education and recognize the recipients of the STAT Statewide Awards.
- Experience an optional Pre-Conference Workshop, an immersive, hands-on experience and extended professional learning opportunity prior to CAST on Wednesday, November 13 (additional registration fees apply).
- Return to your classroom with continuing education credit, ready-to-use lesson plans and handouts, and strategies and resources for implementing the Revised Science TEKS.